Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week off for Halloween

This week I didn't do much as far as performing. I have been building a computer with my brother so I can have more power to write. It is good to take some time off though, there is a point where you are just spinning your wheels. This week I've just spent brainstorming about new things to write about. I have come up with a few new things to rant about...mostly how annoying it is after playing Fallout New Vegas for 20 hours my wife gets all up in my face about not being "productive enough".  She doesn't realize that our new project for the Writing for New Media class is to come up with our own video game idea. I was doing research babe!  I think I have about 120 more hours of research to do for this assignment before I feel like I'm ready to move on to the writing phase. I better get a few more games to play as well. I don't want to pigeon hole myself.

By the way how many times can the Mario Brother's franchise get away with the same stupid set up. The princess should go into hiding. At least the Zelda franchise comes up with different characters to represent Link. I guess it all comes down to brand recognition. Maybe I should work on branding myself. From here on out all of my jokes will be about kidnappings. 


  1. You remember the last time they tried to mess with the Mario formula? It resulted in the travsety that was Mario Bros 2. Sometimes you just gotta stick to what works. And yes, Ryan is actually one of me roommates.

  2. I don't believe that Mario 2 was a bad game. I actually quite enjoyed that game. The music, the feel, and just the fact that it was fun. And Mario is constantly evolving and becoming a bigger and better franchise. I mean I agree that the concept is generally the same. Princess gets caught, and Mario has to go save her. But look at the evolution of Mario. From the standard Mario bros. to Mario 2 to Mario 3. Which Mario 3 is probably the best game in the franchise. But even looking at Super Mario Galaxy and what a tremendous success it is. Using this formula keeps the strong Mario feel that you had when you were a kid playing this game. Using mario as a gimmick is something that hurts the franchise. But thats brand for you.
