Sunday, September 12, 2010

Short Films and Marketing

Many of the local comedians like to get together to make short films. This is the era of viral videos. If you can build a following online you are at a huge advantage over other comedians. Many bookers expect the comedians to market themselves and get butts in seats. Advertising on TV and radio isn't cheap enough to justify running an ad campaign for a $10 a ticket comedian.  Here is a link to a short we made this week, please feel free to help make it go viral.  Birding Short.

Utah is a very tricky market to sell to. There are those who want to watch super clean comedy, and those who don't. It's hard to please both sides. If people don't know who the comedian is that is headlining they don't know what to expect. That is why the clubs in Utah have tried to establish a reputation for clean comedy, so people can know what to expect. That means that the more gritty comedy has taken it's place in various bars. One new venue is opening up that will market to a more broad audience. It's called the Complex. It's located just west of the Gateway mall.

Another newer venue for comedy is A Bar Named Sue. Next Sunday night I will be hosting the show. Blake Bard and Dustin Brock are the Headlining and Feature acts. I'll report back on how that show works out.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that I've never actually thought about how hard it must be for a stand up comedian to really get himself known. I've watched a lot of comedians on Comedy Central, but never live.

    I liked you video, I burst out laughing in some parts. I can only imagine how hard it must be to come up with material to entertain a full audience. Like I've watched some comedians that have a full hour on Comedy Central, and I ask my self how is it that they can come up with enough material for a full hour.
